my notes on the viridarium umbris
- title page
- table of contents
- exordium
- the book of the unknown host
- the book of descent
- the book of going forth into the field of cain
- the book of the horn of the earth
- the book of the hedge
- the book of the plot
- the book of the fountain of paradise
- the book of the holy rood
- the book of the grove of fire
- the book of dust of eld
- the book of the fruit of the wise
- the book of the balsam grove
- the book of the skin-garland
- the book of the grove of colors
- the book of bread and wine
- the book of love-witching
- the book of the wooden head
- the book of the leaf-masque
- the book of faunus
- the book of the grove of cures
- the book of the green hieroglyphick
- the book of the spirit-meadow
- the book of the skull-orchard
- the book of the garden of agony
- the book of the crown of heaven
- glossary