
illus. a tripleheaded person with dark curly hair and a beard. the heads to each side have simple forward pointing horns, but the head looking at the viewer has simplified deer antlers. they also have a point up pentacle between their horns, each side head has its mouth open and leafy branches, possibly with berries, grow out of them. they also have large hooked noses.

a summary of a (pseudo)history of religion. it says that in the old times there was once teachers of plant-magic but as monotheism rose they became falsely labeled demons. now their teachings endure, though few know them. it says that some are born into magic, some come to it by faith, devotion, or cunning, some come to it by magical teachers, and some come to it through plant knowledge.

there are many strands of british magical knowledge, many of which strongly feature plantcraft. this book foregrounds plant-knowledge and direct communication with plant spirits. this book sees the spirits as an immortal garden where each plant represents a specific power, ranging from daily needs to communication with angels. this book is focused on keeping up both learning from the past and discovering of new-old knowledge. additionally it is important that all harvests are respectful.

illus. rosarium of esh a border of a circle of beads consisting of round beads with symbols on them, as well as two skulls with symbols on the forehead. none of them match symbols seen before. between each larger bead is eight disc shaped beads. the whole border seems to be burning, and there is a burning sword at the top and the bottom. the point of the top one is pointing right, and the point of the bottom one is pointing left. between them there is a bare tree with all its roots visible. on it hangs one apple with a symbol on it, possibly the same one as on the shield-crown of gon-gothanus, but this one has serifs

the blessing of the viridarius upon the seeker-in-truth

a poem recognizing one who has also worked this book (?) the sayer recognizes them by things like their tread, which was laid out in the exordium as a sign of this faith of pilgrimage

the curse of the viridarius upon the false

a poem offering the false (who are they? those who read this on false pretenses?? those who use its power for bad? those who disrespect the land? all of these?) to the horned lord. it also names them an enemy and wills them to be between plow and furrow forever. it ends with hekas hekas este bebeloi

illus. thicket of hell’s hayward around the border there are sharp vines, with two heads with pointy features at the top, the left one facing left and the right one facing right. at the center bottom a key is entwined in the vines. additionally some of the vines on the bottom left are blotted out but this could simply be a bad scan. inside there are two bare trees. the one on the left seems to have something on its lower trunk. could be blood drips? could be a cut? between them there is a straight path, and across the path is a curled and thorny vine. the path leads to a door shape with a symbol in it, not matching any prior symbols. above the door there is a large face with a beard and horns out to the side. on its forehead there is a cross with serifs.

illus. terrestrial adoration of the unknown host a head with pale hair, wings out the side, and curly horns floats in a circle of six-pointed stars. around the circle are plants with leaves and large berries, and at the top and bottom of the border there is the serif cross. below all this there are two kneeling nude figures, facing towards the middle of the illustration, between them is a leafy tree which appears to be supporting the above circle. the figure on the left has horns (a horn?) and lower back length curly dark hair. the one of the right has no horns and mid back length curly light hair. behind each is a staff with a prong at the top. above the left one is a point-down pentacle and above the right is a point-up pentacle. below them are dark branches, the ones on the left appear to be more angular than the ones on the right.